We have arrived in Paris. Long plane ride, but uneventful other than a few moments of sweat when we heard we might be late into Salt Lake. With only a 53 minute window to make the connection it was a little unneerving, but it only turned out to be about 5 minutes and we made our flight with time for a cup of coffee. We arrived in Paris and took the RER train to Le Metro and the Metro to the apartment. The iPhone app I downloaded really helped. It walked us right through it step by step. The $5 for the app was absolutely worth it. We are having some problem with our cell phones. Despite letting AT&T know we would be out of the country, the phones at=ren't connecting to the network here. We are at the apartment and trying to contact them to straighten it out. Juli needed to take a little nap so she is snoozing on the futon bed. In a little while we will find a grocery store and stock up then head for Rick Steves'historic Paris walk. I hope to be on the Eiffel Tower when the sun sets. Paris is, after all, for lovers.
Good luck with outbound/inbound phone calls...I still haven't been able to connect with Sarah, though she's figured out how to call me.