Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Getting ready to go!

Saturday is looming ever closer. It has been so hectic the past two weeks that it has been hard to plan. But Juli and I finished our Middle School Math Methods class tonight, so that is out of the way. Two more days of the Robotics class for me and we fly out. So packing has to get done tomorrow night!

If you are reading this you probably already know that Juli and I rented an apartment in Paris for a week to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary this year. It's hard to believe that April 14, 1984 (wow, typing that date does make it seem like so long ago) was 25 years ago. Time has flown by so fast. I love her now more than ever and I can't think of anything I'd rather do than spend time with her. We will definitely have more than Paris!

As much as I have enjoyed traveling the world the past couple of years with People to People, I am so much happier that Juli and I get to travel together. All the wonderful things I saw and did were always slightly tainted by how much I missed sharing them with her. I thought she would never agree to travel, so I am really excited about this trip!

Juli has wanted to travel to Paris for many years. She lived in France for the first few years of her life. French was her first language! Too bad she forgot it. She has many fond memories of her "petit maman" in Royan and delights in telling how she ran away when she was just three years old to avoid returning to the US. While I was longing for Tuscany and another delightful stay in Pontremoli, I deferred. So, Paris, je t'aime!

We hope to be able to update this blog with anecdotes and photos while we are there, but we don't know how much internet availiability we will have. But check back often and say "bonjour!"


  1. Our landlady emailed me back and said there is wifi in the apartment,so I expect to be able to update it through the week.

  2. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, you two can act like newly weds and visit all the site, after all Paris the the city of Love, I think, it should be anyway. love, cousin Cathi

  3. I am excited for both of you...very romantic!
    Have a wonderful time and slow down and smell lots of flowers! Julie Baroni
